#1 PR Writing and Distribution Service

Distribute the Right Message to the Right Audience at the Right Time through the Right Medium

A simple and comprehensive PR Solution without long contracts or commitments.

We got you covered.

Building identity and coverage by getting news stories published in mainstream media about your company or brand is hard work. And the value of building growth using narrative PR is one of the biggest marketing impacts you can make. We have a solution that's fast, cost effective, and generates real results.

Our talented writers & publishing experts can help you build and promote your brand through working closely with you to create and publish content rich articles on mainstream media that are approved by you.

These articles build serious credibility, exposure, and interest in your brand by reaching intelligent, conscientious and thoughtful readers of news content across the globe.

Reach Millions of Daily Readers across 1000+ Publications

1000+ Distribution Network

Your story is syndicated and published to a wide range of news outlets, financial blogs and distribution rooms to increase your presence online and in search.

Leading Publishers

Get Published on AP, Bloomberg, Yahoo News, ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS, CNN Money, and hundreds more.

Detailed Publishing Reports

Know the exact sites who have published your press releases, re-use the links on your social media or in other publications too. Keep track of your online presence, and keep growing your online presence.

Re-Target More Readers

Work with us to create ongoing news reach campaigns that reach specific readers or locations with your published stories.

What our clients are saying about us

David M

Business Owner

"Really quick, what an easy result, thanks!"

John D

Chief Marketing Officer

"Met our needs in the first story, will be buying again"

Jen S

Branding Director

"What a lovely team to work with, great product too"

Arjun S

VP of Marketing

"We've integrated these PR's as part of our general PR strategy now and they've been very helpful"

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FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

I have a story idea or some information to share, can I ask you to help me get that into the community?

Yes! We’re here to tell and share important stories from you, our community. We do have guidance and standards around what we share and don’t share, but in cases that we refuse stories, we always provide a full refund for any money spent, in a timely fashion.

Can I use the story and or photo/video materials on my own social media too?

Yes, you can. The more the media is shared the better. We provide you with a a link to a shared cloud drive with any pictures or videos too with a tier 5 package.

Let's Get Started.

It's easy, and transparent, here's the process

  • We send you a list of all our prices and publications
  • We meet to discuss publishing goals, narrative, and setup an interview
  • Our team of writers draw up your press release
  • Feedback Cycle x2
  • Publish article on to news outlets
  • Return a publishing report

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